I am officially naming today International Hamster Day, and have drawn up my International Bill of Hamster Rights.
1. Every hamster should have a clean, well-furnished cage.
2. Every hamster should have fresh carrot, seed or other vegetable crudité to munch on.
3. Every hamster should have a loving family, someone to look after them and talk to them.
4. Every hamster should have the right to express themselves and the freedom of free hamster speech.
5. Every hamster should have the right to play in a safe, non-perilous environment.
Since it’s International Hamster Day, why not draw a picture of your favourite Hamster. You can send drawings or photographs to marketing@templarco.co.uk and the best ones might make it on here...
Hamster Facts No 1: Hamsters don’t like baths – seriously, we can catch a chill and die, so don’t try and give us a bath.
Great illo and character! good to show my kids on why I think a hamster is off limits at our house until they learn to clean up their own rooms and themselves! hee hee. Great topic and Happy Hamster Day to Jasper Stinkybottom!